Thursday 16 December 2010

Shop items to go on the shelves

This week I worked on a simple box asset to place on the shelves, I tried to make the box quite reusable to it could be duplicated without too much repetition, the base model of the box is a very simple rectangle cube, I kept the base model quite simple to reflect the simplistic look of the scene. I spent a while texturing the box to get it just right, I was very happy with the results.

Above is the simple base model for the box.

The above is a cardboard texture that I scanned in.

The front cove of an ikea instruction booklet, I used the graphics on this to put onto the box.

The final box UV with textures applied in photoshop, The ikea logo was taken from the ikea website, celotape was realistically made using a gradient and black outerglow.

The final box model with textures applied.

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